داستان آبیدیک

compliance staff


1 حسابداری و مالی:: کارکنان واحد تطبیق

Most organizations, in earlier times, wanted to believe that compliance is the business of the designated compliance staff. The Front Office The Back Office Marketing The Infantry-Engage in small groups, fight in close order formation, and require greater initiative and skill Symbolically, compliance staff is typically a small group that needs to work with other teams. The compliance staff is typically a small group that needs to work with other teams of their organization to have a proactive and effective com- pliance program, hence the metaphor. The two representative compliance roles that require a more detailed role profiling are the compliance officer, who represents a typical compliance staff's role, and Chief Compliance Officer, the C-level role holder who heads the function and is tasked to ensure efficient and effective implementation of compliance. Costs Top-Level Cost Line Items People Costs Compliance staff

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